Goalkeeper Coaching
The Club provides specialist goalkeeping sessions for all the Junior Reds teams.
These sessions are at Bexleyheath Academy on a Saturday morning as follows:-
- Players aged 8, 9, 10 and 11 from 9.00am to 9.45am
- Players aged 12 to 18 from 10.00am
Head Goalkeeper Coach Tony Ball explained ” In most teams the goalkeeper is the poor relation at training sessions as the emphasis is with the outfield players. The goalkeeper is, however, a key position on the pitch.
To address this we provide specialist goalkeeping coaching. The goalkeepers from the individual teams come together for their own session once a week and then return to their teams to complete their training. Goalkeepers all meeting together is unique and provides an opportunity to reflect on the games just played”.
Pictured are Tony Ball and Tom Forrest.